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Thanks for stopping by. Meet our team

As Chief Lending Officer, Chuck is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, Chuck enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Chuck Dean

Chief Lending Officer

As VP of Operations, Damien is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, Damien enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Damien Kennedy

Vice President of Operations

As VP of Lending, Nimreta is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, Chuck enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Nimreta Ghonza

Vice President of Lending

As Senior Loan Consultant, Jamie is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When she's not working, Jamie enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Jamie Swanson

Senior Loan Consultant

As Senior Loan Officer, Jacob is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, Jacob enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Jacob Rasmussen

Senior Loan Consultant

As Senior Loan Officer, Greg is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, Greg enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Greg Malkin

Senior Loan Consultant

As Senior Loan Officer, John is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, John enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

John Sortoff

Senior Loan Consultant

As Senior Loan Consultant, Mo is responsible for supervising the managers of our mortgage products and loan production, in addition to wholesale, retail, quality assurance, service, and processing departments to ensure the success of our clients and partners. When he's not working, Mo enjoys spending time with his family, playing soccer and tennis, and his computers.

Mo Capers

Senior Loan Consultant

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